Friday, May 24, 2013

Eldar Pre-Orders Up!

The Eldar are up on the Games Workshop website for pre-order!  Here they all are, with prices!

The Special Edition Eldar Codex $ 100

 The Eldar One-Click Launch Collection

Eldar Wraithknight $ 115

Wraithguard/Wraithblades $ 50

Dire Avengers $ 35

Farseer $ 20

Spiritseer $ 19.25

Illic Nightspeer $ 19.25

Autarch on Jetbike $ 19.25

Eldar Battleforce $ 115

Saim-Hann One Click Collection $ 273.25

Saim-Hann Paint Collection $118.40

Codex Eldar $ 49.50

 War Walker Squadron $ 75 

 Vyper Squadron $ 75 

Vaul's Wrath Support Battery $ 65

Weindrider Jetbike Squadron $ 40

Happy Hunting!



  1. I was really hoping for some new jetbike models. It's a shame they didn't appear because that's what would have persuaded me to collect an Eldar army.

  2. they want to sell of the old stock
    same thing for sm csm bikes

    its like with SoB
    no new models & no finecast... wait till stock sells and then redo it all
    its not a new concept for GW

  3. I honestly prefer the current jetbike models to the concept we saw at an older Gamesday. It's fine for DE raiders to lean in the saddle, but it doesn't suit the craftworlders' majesty. However, a jetbike seer council would have been great. And a Venom. And a Solitaire. And maybe a Farseer Falcon and a Firestorm (but that one can still be played if your opponent accepts FW).
    Except for that, I love everything about this release.
