The Eldar notes continue to flow from people seeing he codex.
From Kirby on 3++
Fire Dragon WS 4 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 5 A 1
Fire Dragon Exarch WS 5 BS 5 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 6 A 1 Wargear:
Heavy Aspect Armor (3+)
Fusion Gun
Melta Bombs Special Rules:
Ancient Doom
Battle Focus
- 5 Dragons 110 points Options
up to 5 more at 22/model
1 Exarch upgrade 10
Exarch may take Dragon's Breath Flamer for free or Firepike 15pts
Exarch may take up to two of the following exarch powers:
-Iron Resolve 5pts
-Crushing Blow 10pts
-Fast Shot 10pts
May use a Wave Serpent as a Dedicated Transport. WARLOCKS
WS4 BS4 S3 T3 W2 I5 A1 Ld8 Sv-
Psyker Lvl 1
Witchblades REMNANTS OF GLORY Shard of Anabis: combat weapon, +2S Ap- Rending, Vauls Work.
Vauls Work = bearer has fearless, In challenge bearer has Fleshbane and Instant Death FireSabre: combat weapon, +1S ap 3 Soulblaze, Wildfire
Wildfire; whenever soulblaze inflicts an unsaved wound it arcs to all units within 6 on the roll of a 6 Spirit Stone of Anath'lan: Allows a Psyker to reduce the cost of a power by 1 warp charge to a minimum of 1, If he does it he can't use the Runic armour's Invunerable save. Long Rifle: 120" Sx Ap 3 Heavy 1 Sniper Mantle of the Laughing God: IC loses IC rule but gains Hit and Run, Shrouded and stealth and can reroll failed cover saves Faolchu Wings: Run up to 48" in the shooting phase, can't shoot, charge into combat or cast shooting psychic powers. reroll failed cover saves until the next turn Phoenix Gem: When model dies roll a d6, on a 2+ place a large blast marker centred over the model, All units take a number of hits equal to the number of models under the template, a S4 Ap5/3, any unsaved wounds and the model gets back up on one wound, this is a one use only thing. VEHICLE UPGRADES
Ghostwalk Matrix (in a squad this one is on all or none)
Spirit Stones
Star Engines
Vectored Engines
Crystal Targeting Matrix (Basically fire one weapon first to get a hit that will twin-link the rest of the models weapons at the target) Shuriken Weapons
Bladestorm rule - auto-wounds on a roll to wound of a 6 with AP2. Ranges unchanged.
From ZeroNoRyouki on Warseer:
Whose sculpting what?
Wraithknight: Samir Battistotti, Jes Goodwin, Tom Walton
Wraithfighter / Crimson Hunter: Ed Cottrell, Jes Goodwin
Wraithguards/blades: Jes Goodwin, Oliver Norman
plastic Farseer: Jes Goodwin
Spiritseer: Mike Fores
Illic Nightspear: Edgar Ramos
More to come.
So they failed to change the idiotic 12" range of the Shuriken catapult again? The curse of Thorpe cannot be dispelled it seems...