Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Dreamforge Producing New Leviathan Mortis

If you know anything about Dreamforge and Mark Mondragon, the owner, you know it is all about passion and making great models.  Mark made the now legendary resin Leviathan that GW shut down before production.  

 The legendary Leviathan Mortis

Now Mark is making injection molded Leviathans and he is coming out with his second one, named after his previous resin one.

From Mark at Dreamforge:

The Leviathan Mortis is now production ready! This was actually the first of the new generation of Leviathan I designed back in 2002... I still have a soft spot for the Mortis.  Unlike the old resin kits the fingers and scythe will remain completely poseable. Just like the Crusader, the Mortis is highly dynamic, arms move, legs move, waist moves.... great fun and ready for some smack down.

When will this hit retail? About 3-4 months, we hope... We will not make this available until all the Kickstarter backers have been shipped and are well on their way. Stay tuned for updates!
I have not yet gotten a Leviathan, but will be doing so shortly.  They are perfect for Knight Titans. 



  1. Too bad the Crusaders were on sale before the Kickstarter pledges for Australia were even shipped out.

  2. Well that's not exactly correct, is it....

  3. I kickstarted the Crusader, and LOVE it! I can't wait for the Mortis!

  4. yeah, i was in on the kickstarter and was one of the first to get my crusader. it's a great model, and it was a great deal. thanks mark!

  5. I was also in on the Kickstarter. While waiting in Australia was a drag (watching all the unboxing videos from the US) the wait was worth it.

    For those on the fence, IMHO, these are some of the best figures of their type on the market. As Loken says above, there is no doubt that Mark is passionate about these models and it shows in the attention to detail.
