Saturday, April 13, 2013

Secret Weapon Launches Tablescapes Kickstarter

Justin McCoy, the founder of Secret Weapon Miniatures, has launched a Kickstarter for "Tablescapes".  These are 12" x12" tiles that are similar to Games Workshop "Realm of Battle" boards, but half the cost and way more versatile.  I am a huge fan of Justin's work and I hope you will all support Justin in his efforts.  Here is the video:


Its pretty clear that Justin will blow through his goals, having already raised $ 68,000 of his $ 80,000 goal after only a few days.  

Go check the Kickstarter out here




  1. Okay... I'm a HUGE GW Fan, like major hard core die hard.

    I gotta say...

    This is some good stuff, however... it's a few bucks less than the realm of battle board, but the tiles are more dynamic looking.

    So, really I'm kinda torn... I'd like to see how thick it is compared to a realm of battle game board so it could possibly be added to the one I already have.

    All in all... pretty cool indeed!

  2. Wish I had the cash to get in on this. Less than $200 for a standard 6x4 board is a heck of a deal.

  3. We backed em. $250 for enough tiles for 2 4x4 boards. Our 40kegger events are only 1000 points played on a 4x4. Awesome stuff!
