Tuesday, April 23, 2013

New 40K FAQs Released!

New 40K FAQs are up.  13 our of 18 armies got FAQ updates.

Here they are:

40K RULEBOOK v1.4_APRIL13.pdf(0.47 MB)Black Templars v1.2_JANUARY13.pdf(0.22 MB)Blood Angels v1.3_FEBRUARY13.pdf(0.24 MB)Chaos Daemons 2013 v1.0_APRIL13.pdf(0.04 MB)Chaos Space Marines v1.2_APRIL13.pdf(0.05 MB)Dark Angels v1.1A_APRIL13.pdf(0.11 MB)Dark Eldar v1.4_APRIL13.pdf(0.24 MB)Death From the Skies 2013 v1.1_APRIL13.pdf(0.05 MB)Eldar v1.3_APRIL13.pdf(0.21 MB)Grey Knights v1.4_APRIL13.pdf(0.31 MB)Imperial Guard v1.3_APRIL13.pdf(0.21 MB)Necrons v1.4_APRIL13.pdf(0.27 MB)Orks v1.4_APRIL13.pdf(0.27 MB)Sisters of Battle v1.1.pdf(0.09 MB)Space Marines v1.3_APRIL13.pdf(0.22 MB)Space Wolves v1.2_JANUARY13.pdf(0.35 MB)Tau Empire v1.0_APRIL13.pdf(0.03 MB)Tyranids v1.2_JANUARY13.pdf(0.2 MB)

Dig in people!



  1. Waited 2 months for a Daemon FAQ and we find out... nothing.

    1. That is on par with the first FAQ's for 6th Ed releases. I like to joke that were still play testing the codex for them.

      I feel your pain though, I've been waiting on fixes for DA. The newest update just made things worse.
