Thursday, April 11, 2013

Knight Titan by Blight Wheel Miniatures

Blight Wheel Miniatures has released "Prometheus" which is a Knight Titan sized mech.  

Blight Wheel's website is here and  blog is here.

You can order Prometheus here.

A really beautiful model that fills a need in Apocalypse armies.  I'll take 3!



  1. I've purchased a number of kits from Blight Wheel and Laurent (aka BigDaddy) over the years and they never disappoint! I snapped up one of these immediately, and am hoping to pick up another pair later once they are able to get more of them in stock!

  2. Oh heck, I didn't realize he was BigDaddy the big scratchbuilder!

  3. sure it's good looking, but GW Knight Titan is on it's way!

  4. like the thunderhawk harharhar !

  5. @Loken: Indeed - Laurent went in with a couple sculptor friends of his to form Blight Wheel a while back. Great guy and really talented sculptor! A bunch of my Ad-Mech models utilize bits from their range...

  6. I don't normally get stoked on all of the side market stuff, but that is pretty awesome.

  7. I like the dreamforge crusader better.

  8. It kinda looks like mk 2 crusade armoor

  9. Dreamforge use a worm plastic like Lego ! where are the details ? you like paint your Lego ? so buy Dreamforge ! I think this will be better, resin is better ! and a pilot inside like Forgeworld titan ! yeah !

  10. In stock is key... I guess to get these things you need to be online and on the forums 24/7 so when it becomes available you can jump on it.

    Oh well... tax return just went to a Marauder Destroyer.

  11. We sold a limited number before the salute (read the blog for understand the limited run). And after the Salute we re-stock the shop. And sorry we are not forgeworld ... we produce in Europe (France) not in China, we are also a very small company so we produce a small number of mini but regularly, no need to be online 24/7, and with an email you can know when we re-stock.
