Thursday, April 4, 2013

Apocalypse in July and 2013 GW Release Schedule

Well my buddy Larry Vela over at Bell of Lost Souls posted some interesting news for us Apocalypse fans.
From Larry at BoLS

.... it looks like the Apoc slot will include the following on the miniatures side:

Dark Eldar Voidraven Bomber
Imperial Guard Hydra / Hydra-variant (hinted as toting Lascannons)
Imperial Guard Colossus/Bombard

and most importantly...

The dual-build Imperial / Chaos "Titanish-thingy" (bigger than a Baneblade - smaller than a Warhound).

I'm hoping its a newly invented Knight-sized machine.  In any case, I have doubts about that Plastic Thunderhawk (but I'd be first in line for one).

And the 2013 release Schedule according to the ever reliable Stickmonkey:

January: Warriors of Chaos
February: Dark Angels
March: Chaos Daemons / Daemons of Chaos
April: Tau Empire
May: High Elves
June: Eldar
July: Apocalypse
August: Lizardmen
September: Blood Bowl
October: Space Marines
November: Dwarves
December: Hobbit
January: Tyranids

A LOT of stuff coming out this year as GW really ramps it up.  Five 40K codex releases this year is not only a record but SHOCKING.  And the re-release of Apocalypse is nothing but good.  Hopefully, some of the things we put in the House Rules will make it to Apoc, Titan weapons will get points, and Super Heavy vehicles will get their own damage chart again.



  1. *'Squees' with childish delight*

  2. most of these right so far!!! plus nids in January and lizard-men in august (both armies i play!!!)

  3. Mother fucker...where the hell are orks?

