Friday, April 26, 2013

Adepticon 40K Team Tournament Army Showcase - Part II

Teleport Mishap!
Here are the rest of the armies in the Adepticon Team Tournament Showcase, the best armies from the 40K Team Tournament.

The Ork Mega Gargant was a fan favorite and dominated its table. 


The Tau table was brilliant and accompanied by its own comic which told the story of the Tau/Necron team.

Dark Angels

My buddies from Atlanta, Curtis Callaway, John Ross, Joe Underwood and Thomas Byrd had an amazing table of Dark Angels (one of the few DA armies there).  I guess they learned a lot from gaming buddy Matt Sabol, the king of 40K terrain.  Joe did the above Teleport mishap objective!

Space Wolves


Other Entrants


  1. OH MY GOD, that last one is staggering, my god!

  2. The last one was absolutely incredible in person, the internal lighting set a mood that pictures just can't capture.

  3. A bit of info on the Great Gargant, as it was done by some friends of mine. The video that they were playing is on Youtube ( Also, for anyone that might be interested they actually have 2 full CD's of the "Gof Rockers"
