Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Big Game III - We March for Memphis!

Well, I just arrived in Memphis after a 3 day, 1,800 mile car journey.  That's right, I drove across the USA in order to run The Big Game III at the Games Workshop Memphis Battle Bunker.  This is the North American HQ for GW and has what is now the biggest Games Workshop store in the USA.  My car was packed with 20,000+ points of 40K.  James Bell, former L.A. Battle Bunker manager is now the manager in Memphis and why I agreed to this madness!  The Bunker opens at 11:30 tomorrow and we will start setting up then.  

Players are coming from all over the USA, including Michigan - Tom McBride (aka Machinator, of Blood & Skulls Industry), Missouri - Kirk Damann (SiegeWorld) and North Carolina - Matt Plonski (Apoc-Eclipse).

Stay tuned here or to our Facebook group for photos and battle reports!


We are now in 25 locations World Wide in SEVEN countries!

US (14 locations)
Russia (5 locations)
United Kingdom (2 locations)

Max Govalnov, the Czar of Russian Apocalypse, has confirmed that The Big Game III will be played in  5 Russian cities!   In addition to Max's native Moscow, Apocalypse games will be played in St. Petersburg, Murmansk, Ryazan, and Kiev (the Ukrainian capital).


I just heard today from Toni of Tapiolan Pelikauppa in Mikkeli, Finland.  His store has just joined the Big Game III!   Better late than never!

 And here is the very first photo as I set my army up for a photo shoot

Stay posted!



  1. Ukraine is no longer a part of Russia... Doesn't it deserve it's own country listing?

    Just getting into Apoc... Can't do this year but how does an area / shop get into this for next year?

  2. Seems like you just make an account on the Apoc40k forum and as long as you comply by their guidelines (which seem pretty standard things) you get to claim you are part of their event. Set up a post on their forum to let other people around your location know as well, and Loken will probably write a post saying *insert location here* has joined Big Game 4.
