Monday, March 4, 2013

Horus Heresy Drop Site Massacre Apoc Game!

The guys at Templar Crusade did a fantastic recreation of the Horus Heresy Drop Site Massacre in the form of an Apocalypse game. 

The video shows you what happened turn by turn.  An enjoyable view.

"Story wise we try to keep as much to the books as we can, so even though valcan beat angron in our game, we dont change the fluff factor of the heresy. can you imagine if we did lol there would be an uproar!" 

It is amazing how many Forge World units there are on the table.  Corax vs. Mortarion and Angron vs. Vulkan!

But I would recommend a little better HD camera guys and less camera movement!  We want to see all the great models.

Best line:  "A resin orgy of greatness".
Follow their Facebook page here:

And send in info on YOUR Horus Heresy games!


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