Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Forge World Releases Necrons

Forge World has started releasing Necrons in advance of the release of the new Imperial Armour book

From Forge World:

The Night Shroud is a dedicated bomber, larger than the more numerous Night Scythe and Doom Scythe craft alongside which it operates, whose origins date back countless aeons to the lost battles of the War in Heaven.

The Night Shroud was built to carry a relic of that ancient and apocalyptic conflict – so-called Death Spheres – containment vessels imprisoning the merest fragment of anti-matter. This potent warhead is kept out of phase with the material universe until the sphere detonates, unleashing an energy blast capable of annihilating anything it touches.

The Night Shroud is a complete resin and plastic kit. Model designed by Daren Parrwood.

This model is available to pre-order now and will be despatched from Friday April 5th.

The Night Shroud costs 70 GBP, about $ 105.

Forge World has also released a Necron Realm of Battle board.

From Forge World:

The stasis-crypts of the Necrons are protected by great defensive structures; near-impregnable fortifications designed to stand against the ravages of eternity, hostile action and deadly environments. Tomb Citadels often stand on the outermost borders of a wider complex. They act as watchtowers and outposts that are often the merest tip of the iceberg; the fathomless depths of silent galleries and stasis-chambers that make up the nameless cities of the Necrons extending far below them.

A Tomb Citadel is far more than an inert relic of strange aeons past, however. Each is a near-living war machine in its own right, and Imperial combat records record these brutish structures rising from the very earth, or phasing strangely into existence in the midst of a Necron assault. If not quickly destroyed, these dread ziggurats will form a beachhead from which the undying legions pour forth to destroy their foes

The Realm of Battle Necron Tomb Citadel, designed by Blake Spence, is a 2' x 2' (609mm x 609mm) tile which can fit onto a Citadel Realm of Battle board.

This model is available to pre-order now and will be despatched commencing Friday April 5th.

It looks great, but it would be nice to have 4 different boards so you could make an entire, non-repeating, table.

Make sure you check out the Forge World site.



  1. Great to feel some more Necron love from FW. The new model still has a croissant look and will require a hack saw and glue to change it up. Boohahaha! - Wild Bill

  2. The repeating fits the Crons... I like the symmetry in almost all of their models and vehicles. it only fits their buildings, cites, and under tombs are symmetric as well. Although I would like to see more circles in the construction, the circle is a far more geometrically perfect shape - and on this PI-Day (3.14) circles need a little love
