Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Forge World Open Day Tickets On Sale

The next Forge World Open Day is coming and the tickets went on sale:

From Forge World: 

Sunday 7th April will see Forge World and Warhammer Forge abandon our top-secret Manufactorum for our annual Open Day. This year’s event will be ticketed, due to its incredible popularity, and Open Day tickets are exclusively available to purchase from the Forge World website priced at £7.50.

The entirety of both the Forge World and Warhammer Forge design teams will be attending the Open Day, showcasing all manner of work-in-progress models and recent releases.Simon Egan, Blake Spence, Stuart Williamson, Daren Parrwood, Will Hayes, Phil Stutcinskas, Mark Bedford, Edgar Skomorowski, Keith Robertson, Steve Whitehead, Trish Carden, Matt Murphy-Kane and Neil Cook, along with new designers Israel Gonzalez, Alfonso Giraldo and Peter Hutchins, have been hard at work on a variety of Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer Forge and Horus Heresy models of a variously armoured, flying, and walking nature; all these and more will be on display, along with fantastically painted models and a selection of our stunning display boards.

The Art and Book Design team will also be at the Open Day. Paul Rudge, Rhys Pugh, Ian Strickland, Kenton Mills, Rachel Pierce and Dominik Oedinger will be showcasing the process by which Imperial Armour books are created, and may even be seen working on artwork for future book projects on their advanced cogitator devices. Writers Alan Bligh, Talima Fox and Neil Wylie will be on hand to talk about the process of writing an Imperial Armour book, and the forthcoming Imperial Armour Volume 12: The Fall of Orpheus. They may even be tempted into dropping a few hints about future projects…

Our Sales stands will be packed with a huge selection of resin kits, books and modelling supplies, including some pre-release kits that will be announced in future newsletters. We hope to have copies of Imperial Armour Volume 12: The Fall of Orpheus on sale, and we’ll be confirming this in the near future. As always the Open Day will be the first chance to purchase this year’s Event Only models. For 2013, we’ve designed both a Warhammer Forge model and a Forge World model once again, and while we can’t tell you what they are just yet, suffice to say we think they’re great!

The Open Day painting competition will again be judged by our Studio team, and all attendees can enter. Your entry should consist of a single Forge World model of any type, although we do advise that cabinet space may be limited. The prize, of course, is the prestigious Forge World Open Day trophy.

We’ll also be running our Charity Titan Raffle, which is always incredibly popular. Tickets will be on sale throughout the day for a mere £1 each; all proceeds will be donated to Children In Need and the prize will be a complete mighty Imperial Reaver Titan.

The Open Day runs from 10am to 4pm and all the Warhammer World facilities are available throughout the day, especially Bugman’s Bar for breakfast, lunch, and refreshments. Tickets are on sale now and we look forward to seeing you there!

I am considering going to the Horus Heresy Weekend, so this is out.  But I urge anyone going to contact me so we can arrange some live blogging and photos!


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