Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Death From the Skies This Weekend.

Larry over at BoLS posted this, and it is certainly worth of a reprint. 

Previous Rumor:

Death From the Skies
Ships Saturday 16th February (no advanced order)
- 72p full colour, softback, Warhammer 40,000 Compendium
- Contains flyers painted by the ‘Eavy Metal team
- Updated 6th Edition rules for the following Flyers:

- Stormraven (that can now be used in Codex: Space Marines and Codex: Black Templars)
- Stormtalon Gunship
- Valkyrie and Vendetta
- Ork Dakka Jet, Burna Bommer and Blitza Bommer
- Necron Night Scythe and Doom Scythe
- Dark Eldar Razorwing and Void Raven

- New scenarios
- Dog-fighting rules (from Crusade of Fire)

And here is the latest from Warseer's Romeras
Can confirm guys, definitely going ahead, nothing new in it just a compilation of all the flyer rules into one handy supplement, supposed to be au $35 so for every one else about half that price lol. Storm ravens are definitely able to be taken for Space Marines and Black Templar, but that's the only change.

The big news of course is that Storm Ravens are now for everyone.  Expect to see all 6 of mine in my Crimson Templars Army in the Big Game!



  1. So now the codex Chapters and the Templars get the Storm Raven, what do the Blood Angels and their Successors get in return for handing over the keys?

    Did the other Chapters trade in some of their Storm Talons for us to have? No...

    Oh that makes me very angry,very angry indeed. ;)

  2. You get the Land Raider Crusader, of course :)

  3. Don't you understand ?

    BA were stronger in 5th edition, so a lot of players started a BA army.

    Now the interest of GW is not that those players keep playing always the same army with the same models.

    They want to sell new stuff, so they power up some other armies which were inferior previously and played by only a few people (DA for exemple).

    It sucks but this is called business... It's been a while since GW doesn't care about having equally strong armies.

    1. If they were trying to maximize profit from the storm raven they would give it every Astartes chapter. I can't put words to how fast I would buy two for my Dark Angels. That would probably hurt sales of the Nephilitalon though, so maybe it is a money grab. But then you are left wondering why Space Wolves are left out, surely the player base would rejoice and purchase.

      Maybe it's not true? Guess well find out more Saturday, and even more when someone actually gets to read it.

      I still can't fathom what missiles will be on the storm raven for C:SM and BT, hopefully nothing resembling what they did to the Nephilim.

  4. I think the easiest choice for the missiles would just be to make them Hunter Killers and decrease the points cost ever so slightly.
