Friday, August 31, 2012

Starter Rules for Chaos and Dark Angels

It looks as though we've been hit with a glimpse of the rules for the models featured in the Dark Vengeance starter set. Note that we have an official weapon entry for the Crozius. It seems our cries for clarification about such things are being answered. These photos come to us courtesy of Natfka. Enjoy.

Son of Dorn


  1. I am soooooo looking forward to getting my box tomorrow! Wohooo!

  2. So, is the Hellbrute not crazed like the past Dreads?

  3. Rumor is that it will in the full codex, but it looks like they kept it simple for the starter. :)

  4. the 2 things that interested me:

    1] The Hellbrute/Chaos Dreadnought has no twin linked boltgun

    2] The Chosen have been brought into line with the Sternguard stats

  5. Bear in mind that these could be subject to change. I've read that the Helbrute will have a new variant of the 'crazed' rule in the full codex, so we could see the chosen with slightly different stats in the full book as well. It's my understanding that they'll behave like Wolf Guard. :)
